Binder Donation Locations

This map shows all places that you can donate binders or other gender affirming items to! Some of them are stores that are open for visits, others are appointment-only, and some are online stores. We will add any necessary information with each pin.

If you have any suggestions for new spots, let us know at!

How to donate

Check the condition – Ensure your binder or gender affirming item is in good, wearable shape (no holes, loose seams, or overstretched fabric).

Find a donation location – We’ve put together a map of organizations and drop-off points where you can send or bring your item.

Pass it on! – Simply mail or drop off your item and know that you're making a difference in someone’s life.


Please make sure that you first contact the organisation when it's specified to do so.


List of Donation Locations


Trans HealthKit Project

Name: A.J. Eichler
Extra Info: THP
Street & Number: Feithstraße 32
Postcode & City: 58095 Hagen

Fuck Yeah Sexshopkollektiv

FYSK is a queer-feminist sex shop in Hamburg with a binder donation corner. Used binders can be dropped off or sent to:


Caffamacherreihe 43

20355 Hamburg
Each donation earns a 5€ store voucher.

Pick-up only – donated binders are not shipped.

The Netherlands

Hizzfit queer lifestyle coaching in Nijmegen:

Please register your shipment through Instagram or email, afterwards you'll receive more information about a shipping address or clothing exchange date.


Transvisie Post address:

Box C1007
Kwikstaartlaan 42
3704 GS Zeist


Transvisie Packages:

Stichting Transvisie
Laan van Waalhaven 139 A
2497 GK Den Haag



Binderproject Jong&Out
Renee Spees
Federatie COC Nederland
Nieuwe Herengracht 49
1011 RN Amsterdam


Binder Marktplaats Instagram

Click here for the Binder Marktplaats Instagram page

The United States

LGBTQ Community Centre Illinois

Please send an email beforehand to:

Mona Cyanide
715 13th Ave
Rock Island, IL 61201 

Want to shop a new binder?