People UNTAGGED: Queer Gym

During our recent visit to Queer Gym Amsterdam, we had the chance to talk with some of its members about their personal fitness journeys and experiences with gender euphoria. Queer Gym Amsterdam provides a welcoming space for queer and trans individuals to work out without fear of judgment. In our interviews with Zaid, Mishe, and Mika, we explored how fitness and community have helped them embrace their identities, feel empowered in their bodies, and find joy in movement. These conversations shed light on the importance of inclusive spaces like Queer Gym, where everyone is free to be themselves while working out. Continue reading to find out more!


"This binder makes me feel very secure. I feel snatched. No, but it's really very secure. I feel like I’m wearing armour."

In the first interview of this series at Queer Gym Amsterdam, we sat down with Zaid, a 26-year-old athlete whose journey through sports and self-discovery offers insight into how physical activity can intersect with gender identity. In this conversation, Zaid shares their love for sports like weightlifting, kickboxing, and yoga, and talks about how they experience gender euphoria while working out. This interview offers a glimpse into their personal journey and the joy they find in movement.

Can you start by introducing yourself, please?

Yes. Hello, my name is Zaid. I am 26 years old and my pronouns are he/they.


Can you tell me something about your favourite sport?

A lot. I really like beach volleyball. I like kickboxing, weightlifting, and yoga.


Wow. That's quite a wide variety. That's nice to know. And can you tell me something about gender euphoria while exercising?

I like to feel how my muscles feel, like they swell up when I'm working out. And also, when I can lift really heavy stuff, it makes me feel really great.


Is there any type of sport or exercise that you really feel that your muscles swell out? Is that with yoga or more with beach volleyball?

Mostly with weightlifting though, yeah.


Where do you like to do your weightlifting? Do you come to the Queer Gym?

Queer Gym mostly, or if I don't want to go out of the house, usually at my house with some weights.


Oh, so you have a whole setup?

No, well, if you call two dumbbells a setup, then yes.


Well, that is, well, you've got a setup.

A setup, yes.


What is your tip for being comfortable while working out?

While working out, I think finding out what sport or workout you like is also really good. Keep trying stuff until you find something that you truly enjoy. And something that you feel joy in your body with.


Can you tell me something about how this UNTAG item makes you feel?

This binder makes me feel very secure. I feel snatched. No, but it's really very secure. I feel like I’m wearing armour.


Since you mentioned that you do quite a variety of sports, what sport would you wear this top to?

Weightlifting, definitely. I think with beach volleyball, it could also be really good. I also have a lot of mobility to pull my arms up.


And then lastly, what excites you in life?

Art, music, love, friends. Yes


All combined?



Sounds good. Do you want to share something about your favourite musician?

My favourite musician has been Blood Orange. I really recommend his albums. Really great stuff.


Find out more about Zaid here:

"While working out, I think finding out what sport or workout you like is also really good. Keep trying stuff until you find something that you truly enjoy."



"I just survived a year-long battle with cancer. So now I’m back, and I’m full-time, and I’m doing all the sports. To me, that’s the best record."

In this interview, we speak with Mishe, a 41-year-old with a love for technical challenges and combat sports. Mishe's journey through sports and recovery after a year-long battle with cancer highlights the role physical activity plays in gender euphoria and self-affirmation. Mishe shares insights on what motivates him to push his limits, how gender euphoria shows up in his fitness routine, and how wearing a binder has helped him reconnect with his queer identity.

Can you start by introducing yourself, please?

Yeah. Hey, I'm Mishe. I'm 41. I use he/him pronouns, and I teach computers human language.


Oh, cool. We're the same age, by the way. Good year.

Oh, I would...


Same. I thought you were, like, much younger than me.



So what gives you gender euphoria when exercising?

Two things. One, being as technical as I can, nothing feels better than executing a move just right and having the validation that I did it just right. And being very competitive and knowing I can lift as much as possible and beat my record every time.


So what's your recent record that you've beaten?

Honestly, the fact that I'm in the gym. I just survived a year-long battle with cancer. So now I'm back, and I'm full-time, and I'm doing all the sports. To me, that's the best record.


Yeah, I can imagine. And is there any tip that you can give others on how to be comfortable whilst working out?

I would say let yourself be you and dance between sets. Honestly, dance between sets. Whatever music is playing, just dance. You'll love it, everybody will love it. The gym bros will be like, that’s one strong person.


So can you say something about what gives you euphoria, gender euphoria when you're working out?

For me, it is being able to lift as much as possible. And also, I'm very much into combat sports. So every time I have to play against, for example, a cis guy, and I can outsmart him, that feels so right. I was like, yeah, I'm one of you.


What's one of your favourite exercises that you like to do? Some repetitions, or is it with weights or dumbbells?

The deadlift is my favourite move. I feel it is complex, so I get to think a lot, and you can really hit high numbers.


And can you tell me something about the UNTAG binder that you're wearing? How does it make you feel?

Honestly? Really gender-affirming.


Yeah? Nice.

Yeah. Seriously. So I have had chest surgery that was not the gender-affirming top surgery. So I've been struggling a bit with my image, even though I'm flat. But putting this on, it really helped me connect again with my queer identity, which I didn't realise I was missing. So I feel really, really comfortable, really, really in tune with myself right now.


Oh, so nice to hear that. And what excites you in life?




Yes, food. All of the food. Please give me food.


What's your favourite food to eat after exercising?

After exercising, I love having sushi. Some vegetarian sushi is great.


Are you vegetarian?

I'm flexitarian, but I'm trying to stay on the veggie side.


I'm also vegetarian. I thought then we have another thing in common.

Oh, my God, so much fun.


Find out more about Mishe here: 

"Putting this on [the binder], it really helped me connect again with my queer identity, which I didn’t realize I was missing."



"When my friends take a video of me and I see my back while I'm climbing, I'm always like, I look like that!"

In the final interview, we meet Mika, a 21-year-old photographer and tattoo artist who combines his passion for art with an active lifestyle. As someone deeply in touch with his body through both bouldering and tattooing, Mika shares how sports and creativity contribute to his sense of gender euphoria. He reflects on his love for movement, especially climbing, and how the right gear, like a supportive binder, helps him feel more comfortable.


Do you want to start by introducing yourself, please?

Hi, I'm Mika. I'm 21 years old. I use he/him pronouns. I am a photographer and a tattoo artist.


What's your favourite tattoo you have on your body that you can show us?

I think it's this one from last summer.


So, did you make the design and then someone tattooed it on you?

No, it's actually freehand by a friend of mine, and I did not see the tattoo before it got tattooed on me.


Wow. Did you tattoo anything on yourself?

My entire legs are done by myself.



Yeah, and a lot of what's going on here.


So you should get some close-ups of those. What's your favourite sport?

I love to do bouldering. I do that three times a week, I think.


And can you tell me something about what gives you gender euphoria when you're, for instance, bouldering?

I think so far when, like, my friends take a video of me and I see my back while I'm climbing, and I'm always like, I look like that!


And can you give someone reading this a tip about how to be comfortable whilst working out?

Well, for me, like, what helped the most was just go with your mates, go with your friends, with people that you feel comfortable with. And help each other up and be goofy and don't care about anyone else judging you.


Can you say something about how this UNTAG binder makes you feel?

It's been a while since I've worn a binder after surgery, but honestly, it feels really good. It's like just wearing, like, a supportive top. And it's nice because I'm not wearing a full shirt, which is really warm, but going shirtless is still something that I find quite scary. So, this feels like a good compromise.


Well, you said you like it when you see videos of yourself bouldering from the back, do you think that this racerback top would be a good fit for you? How would that fit into that picture?

Oh, I think it would look so good.


Well, that's good to know. And then lastly, what excites you in life?

What excites me in life? I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to do what I'm super passionate about as a job. And I think just doing my job excites me the most in life, which is such a blessing.


Find out more about Mika here:

"Just go with your mates, go with your friends, with people that you feel comfortable with. And help each other up and be goofy and don't care about anyone else judging you."

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