Everything About Pre-Orders

Everything About Pre-Orders

You may have already seen the pre-order option on some products in our webshop. In the dynamic world of online shopping, it is a concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years. You have probably heard of it, but what does it mean exactly and why would you choose to order your favorite products in this way? In this blog post, we dive deeper into the phenomenon of pre-orders and explore why it is not only beneficial for you, but also for the environment and the industry as a whole.

What is a pre-order?
A pre-order means that you as a customer have the option to order products before they are actually available in our webshop. You place an order for a product that is still in production or about to come in stock.
When you order a product through a pre-order, you pay the full amount of the product to confirm your intention to buy. Pre-orders allow UNTAG to measure the demand for a product before it is produced. This helps to estimate the required inventory and avoid overproduction.
Once the product is ready, it is shipped to the customer.

Limited time available?

For a certain period of time, you can order certain clothing items. We do this for two reasons: production planning and inventory management.

Production planning: A pre-order period gives us a clear picture of how much demand there is for the product before we actually start production. This helps to optimize production planning and avoid overproduction.

Inventory management: By knowing how many people are interested in the product, inventory can be managed accurately. This prevents too many or too few units from being produced, which is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

After the pre-order period ends, we immediately start production of your order. We would like to let you know that we will do everything we can to ensure that each piece is made with the greatest care and attention.


Why would you choose pre-orders?

  • Exclusivity and anticipation: One of the most exciting aspects of pre-orders is the feeling of exclusivity. You are one of the first to have access to brand new items, and you can look forward to them while you wait for your order to arrive.
  • Sustainability: By participating in pre-orders, you indirectly contribute to sustainability. Manufacturers can more accurately align their production with actual demand, which minimizes overproduction and waste.
  • Guaranteed inventory: With pre-orders, you don't have to worry about your desired item being sold out as soon as it becomes available. Your order is already secured and you are guaranteed a copy.
  • Involvement with UNTAG: Pre-orders are also a sign of involvement with UNTAG. It shows that you are excited about our new products and are willing to plan ahead to get your hands on them.

How does it work?
  • Place your order: Select the desired items from the pre-order collection and place your order as you normally would.
  • Wait patiently: Once the pre-order period is closed, production begins. Wait calmly until your order is produced and shipped.
  • Receive your exclusive products: Once your order is ready, it will be shipped to you. You will then have the honour of being the very first owner of these special items.

Sustainability First!

By choosing pre-order, we embrace sustainability and take a step towards a more responsible and ethical fashion industry. Together we can reduce overproduction and shrink our ecological footprint. We are grateful for your support in creating a better world, while at the same time enjoying beautiful clothing items that are designed with love.

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